Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Week 03 - Research

This photo I found quite interesting. Instead of monotone grays. There is a highlight of blue. Though this image and the image below I tried to focus more on the shapes of storm clouds. Are the dark areas just gather like that or is there any actual pattern involved.

Impending doom. This large scale cloud mass seems to be never ending, like it was slowly creeping above you. To encompass you in never-ending storm clouds. The further you walk into the heart of the storm, the darker it gets.

This reminds me of the fight scene in Lord of The Rings - The Return of The King. The fight of Pelennor Fields. Where the representation of light being swallowed by this large, brooding force of darkness. It's overwhelming, covering everything in it's path in shadow. There doesn't have to be a lot of tonal differences, you already assume it's a storm with the large colour contrast.

Looking further into cloud forms and shapes. This government article lists various types of clouds and what they do. It clued me into a general understand of clouds and how to differentiate them.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012


Thunder Clouds -  This image of thunder clouds quite intrigued me. Clouds to me feel like they are randomly generated, a soft piece of wool floating in space. However it is generated differently. These thunder clouds look like black dye in water.

 Mint Leaves - The kind of scale like patterns developed from the center from the mint leaves across the whole leaf. It is interesting to see how there is still a similar leaf pattern. the lines deriving from the stem. To the end of the leaf.

Water Ripples - I like the serenity of the water. The simple consistency of the motion of the ripples and waves in the water. How ever individual wave is slightly different. Though they all have a same essential pattern. The chrome-like effect of the water and its reflection seems so surreal.